UNI publishes the VACO (Business Complexity Assessment) Guidelines

Como, 17-th December, 2015. UNI, Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione, that performs regulatory activities in Italy, has published the UNI 11613 Valutazione della Complessità (Business Complexity Assement) guidelines. UNI 11613 furnishes guidelines as to how an organization may establish, monitor and put into practice the assessment of business complexity. The goal is to identify the critical complexity of a business and to identify and rank its drivers, with the objective of increasing the resilience of an organization.

The UNI 11613 guidelines may be accessed here.

The guidelines have been impulsed by Dr. J. Marczyk and Mr. D. Noventa of Ontonix, who are also its principal co-authors. The guidelines propose various methods of complexity quantification, among which is the metric developed by Ontonix that takes into account structure and entropy. The metric is identified via the following functional expression: C=f(N, S, E) where N is the number of business parameters, S is an adjacency matrix and E the entropy matrix.

“UNI 11613 establishes an important precedent” said Dr. J. Marczyk. “It is fact the first ever attempt to regulate complexity and the procedures needed to monitor it. We wish to extend our appreciation and thanks to UNI, its technical committee and to the whole working group which has contributed enthusiastically to the guidelines” he added. "We are proud of the fact that these guidelines on complexity - a necessary step towards the first complexity-specific ISO standard - have originated in Italy", he concluded.


About UNI.

Established in 1921, the UNI is recognized by the Italian State and by the European Union, and represents Italian legislative activity at the International Standards Organization (ISO) and European Committee for Standardization (CEN). For more information visit website.


Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.